In 1900, the coal mining town of Keystone, West Virginia, had around 1,000 residents—and more than 10 percent of them were Jewish. Coalfield Jews explores the rise and fall of small Jewish communities that dotted the southern coalfields from the 1890s to 1980s. WINNER, SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOOK PRIZE, 2007
In some ways a history of American Jews in microcosm, On Middle Ground also reveals how Baltimore's position between North and South profoundly shaped Jewish life. Not just a Jewish story, the book illuminates both Baltimore and its Jews, showing how each influenced the other. WINNER, SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOOK PRIZE, 2019. FINALIST, NATIONAL JEWISH BOOK AWARD IN AMERICAN JEWISH STUDIES, 2018.
A Warm, Humane, and Personal Approach: The History of Levindale tells the story of one of Baltimore’s most important Jewish institutions. From its origin as a home for “friendless immigrants” to its emergence as a geriatric center and hospital, Levindale has combined a sense of Jewish mission with a determination to maintain state-of-the-art facilities. This hasn’t always been easy—and the book traces Levindale’s dynamic history as it has striven to meet the daunting challenges that have faced the nation’s eldercare institutions through the decades. (Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital, 2019)